Online Learning Resources
Pioneers In Computer Science
Coloring Activity
Coloring Activity
Seeds of Stewardship Tools for Remote Learning
DIY Guides - Explore the Arizona Trail
grade 9 - 12
grade 9 - 12
Sensory Map Use your senses to create a map and learn about your area’s ecology. Grades 5-8 Grades 9-12
Home in NatureConsider human needs and the environment to construct a small home using natural materials. Grades 5-8
Interpreting Bird BehaviorObserve bird behavior and hypothesize how their behaviors help them survive. Grades 5-8 Grades 9-12
Biodiversity StudyFind evidence of biodiversity in a plot study. Grades 5-8 Grades 9-12
Landscape StorytellingReflect: If the landscape had a story to tell, what would it say? Grades 5-8. Grades 9-12
Tree ObservationObserve and learn about your area’s diverse trees through photography and drawing. Grades 5-8 Grades 9-12
Layers of a ForestLearn about ecosystem layers in a forest through observation and drawing. Grades 5-8 Grades 9-12
Sensory Map Use your senses to create a map and learn about your area’s ecology. Grades 5-8 Grades 9-12
Home in NatureConsider human needs and the environment to construct a small home using natural materials. Grades 5-8
Interpreting Bird BehaviorObserve bird behavior and hypothesize how their behaviors help them survive. Grades 5-8 Grades 9-12
Biodiversity StudyFind evidence of biodiversity in a plot study. Grades 5-8 Grades 9-12
Landscape StorytellingReflect: If the landscape had a story to tell, what would it say? Grades 5-8. Grades 9-12
Tree ObservationObserve and learn about your area’s diverse trees through photography and drawing. Grades 5-8 Grades 9-12
Layers of a ForestLearn about ecosystem layers in a forest through observation and drawing. Grades 5-8 Grades 9-12
Nepris is here to help teachers and students affected by school closures. Now through May we are opening our Live Virtual Industry Chats and Video Library to everyone to help students stay engaged.
Coding Made Easy. Everything needed to learn computer programming the fun way!
Lowell Observatory
Science Challenges for Kids! Several times a month they will debut new in-home science challenges for kids.
Science Challenges for Kids! Several times a month they will debut new in-home science challenges for kids.
STEM Ecosystems
STEM Ecosystems has launched STEM@Home™, a virtual collection of resources, webinars and workshops intended to help families keep learning going for their children while schools and other activities are suspended.
STEM Ecosystems has launched STEM@Home™, a virtual collection of resources, webinars and workshops intended to help families keep learning going for their children while schools and other activities are suspended.
Mystery Science
To help educators during this time of coronavirus, we have pulled our most popular science lessons and are offering them for anyone to use for free. No account or login is needed. Copy and paste the links below into your documents and use them however they might be helpful! Mystery Science is the creator of the most popular science lessons in U.S. schools. We’ve curated this starter set of science lessons that you can use remotely or share with parents.
To help educators during this time of coronavirus, we have pulled our most popular science lessons and are offering them for anyone to use for free. No account or login is needed. Copy and paste the links below into your documents and use them however they might be helpful! Mystery Science is the creator of the most popular science lessons in U.S. schools. We’ve curated this starter set of science lessons that you can use remotely or share with parents.
Computer Programming Tutorials & Activities® is a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to computer science, and increasing participation by women and underrepresented students of color. Our vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science.
Khan Academy
We’re a nonprofit with the mission to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.
We’re a nonprofit with the mission to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.
Brain Pop
BrainPOP is here to help you and your curious learners stay informed and on-track with free access during school closures.
BrainPOP is here to help you and your curious learners stay informed and on-track with free access during school closures.
LAUNCH Flagstaff~Flagstaff Career Exploration Series here
- STEM Activities for Children: Tips and Tricks for Adult Mentors (this one's particularly great for parents who are new to teaching)
- 1,000+ Tech and Engineering Educational Videos for All Ages
- K-12 NGSS standards-aligned science, engineering and design lessons and hands-on activities
- Join a #VirtualSchool on Twitter and/or Educator Temporary School Closure for Online Learning Facebook Group