Coconino High School robotics teams, the CocoNuts and the AstroNuts, hosted the High Altitude Robotics Tournament on Saturday, November 7th. The all-day event included ten FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) teams. This years challenge is modeled after actual rescue situations faced by mountain explorers and is played by two Alliances (different school teams) of two robots each. Points are scored by: resetting rescue beacons, delivering rescue climbers to a shelter, parking on the mountain, and parking in the rescue beacon repair zone or floor goal. Robots may also score points by retrieving debris from the playing field, and hanging from a pull-up bar during the last 30-seconds of a match. The winning alliance was composed of the Mogollon Rim Jaegers from Heber, and the AstroNuts from Coconino High School. The InFALAbles from Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy were also in a Finalist Alliance and won the coveted THINK Award. The complete list of award winners as well as pictures from the event taken by CocoNuts senior Candace Manygoats are available on the official CocoNuts Press Release here. The next event is the Flagstaff FIRST Lego League Qualifying Tournament on December 5th at Coconino High School. Thirty teams of elementary and middle school students will compete in this year’s game, Trash Treks Challenge, which explores the fascinating world of trash. From collection, to sorting, to smart production and reuse, there is more to your trash than meets the eye! Each event needs numerous volunteers! Judges, referees, people movers, robot inspectors, registration volunteers, and more! Please volunteer your time to help continue making FIRST in Northern Arizona a resounding success! Visit to sign up as a volunteer.
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